Dominik Bruhn Apps

'Today in History' Widget 3.0.2
Dominik Bruhn
This is an ad-free widget for the home screen:it displays events which happened on this day in history. Theseevents come from various sources in various languages which you canselect. You can browse all events of today using the arrowsbuttons. If you are interested in further information regarding aparticular event, simply tap on the text and you get related linksfor that event.There are many sources for events from all over the world inmany different languages. Choose all you are interested in.Current sources include:- Wikipedia in many languages (English, Spanish, German, Polish,Italian, Dutch, Swedish and many more)- BBC: "On This Day"- The New York Times: "On This Day"- DW-World: "Today in History"- "This Day in History"Three versions of the widget exist: A smaller (4x1) and a biggerone (4x2) and a stacked version for Android versions greater than2. Choose the one which fits your needs better. Keep in mind: Thesmaller one can (obviously) display less text than the big one.The widget is also tested on Android Honeycomb Tablets (Android3.x) and on ICS (Android 4.x), so it should run flawlessly on suchdevices as well.The widget downloads the events for the next days and storesthem on your device, so there is no need for permanent internetaccess.If you find any bugs, have any problems or if you haveadditional sources you want to be included in the widget, pleasewrite me a mail ([email protected]) and do notcomment on the Market, since I can not contact you here!If you like the widget, please share, rate and comment itproperly.Thanks to all translators:- Italian: Aldo Tarquilio <[email protected]>